Space Ship Ghost Trap


Leaving, 2017, Materials: wire, yarn, wood, concrete. 55 x 11 x 7

My spaceship represents the power and energy of leaving. Leaving a place or a thing or a person. It isn’t just any type of leaving though. This is not a graceful, “maybe I will see you in a soon..?” goodbye. This is a powerful and well-anticipated, “bye forever,” goodbye. The scene captures the initial blast off. The feeling you get right after you quit your crappy job or break up with your crappy boyfriend. You finally release all of the pent up energy in the explosion that forces you to get away from what was holding you down. In this rocketships case, gravity. It was scary and you still feel like throwing up but you feel empowered and strong. You have all of the control in this decision to leave and you did it yourself. The will to leave has finally outweighed your fears about what will happen to you without the weight of the planet you’re leaving.

This piece is just a snapshot of a long journey with many ups and downs. Leaving takes courage but what comes after takes perseverance. After this kind of take-off there is no turning back. You just let out all of the fire and gas that it takes to get you off the ground, the only direction for you to choose from is away. In the future, you can expect doubts, insecurities and times where it would have been easier for you to stay. You won’t have the ground to push off from now. It will become harder to remember why you left. This is the time where you have to trust yourself and your past decision to leave. You are strong and capable of living without the thing you left. This is the hard part but the next part is worth it.

Part three starts the day you go to work and realize you love your job and being apart of something that grows and honors you. Or the day you realize you are happy and confident without having anyone tell you what you are worth to them. You are now able to look back and think about what your life would have been like if you had never left. This is the good part.

The wire rocket form: symbolizes the structure that is leaving. This structure is strong and capable

The yarn outer shell: keep the contents protected, keeping the rocket together. This is your family, friends, and faith. This is what protected and kept the rocket together when it was going to fall apart.

The sharp wood pieces coming out from under the rocket: symbolize the fire and energy it took to make you leave. This is the pain and wrongdoing of what you are leaving.

Concrete base: planet, moon, rock, what you are leaving. What you don’t deserve.